
查看4263 | 回复7 | 2008-8-31 10:59:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Omron于2008年发表CJ2系列PLC和CX-One V3





有关下载见资料下载区固定贴《CX-One V3下载安装和破解》

This is How to Install _OMRON CX-ONE V3

You need to download these to files:
"Omron Cx-One 3.0 multi.language 3CDs.rar" (about 1.5GB has three CD images in it).
"OMRON CX-ONE V 3.0 CRACK.rar" (about 3.5MB has cx-one.msi and 1033.mst)

Replace the provided two files (CX-One.msi and 1033.mst) found in the (OMRON CX-ONE V 3.0 CRACK) with the ones in the first cd image using poweriso or so. and save the image as CCX-one CD1_1.img or any new name (dont overwrite the original we will need it). then follow the following sequence.

1- Mount CCX-one CD1.img and setup just to instal .net and sp1 if not installed in your system. then it will not let you to continue because the key is not right.
2- The included password doesnt work with the above image so you have to unmount it and mount the CCX-one CD1_1.img you just creat it instead (that has the files that accept the key). then setup (use S/N:1599-1699-2280-9957) untill you pass the serial number screen.(dont continue !!)
3- Unmoun the CCX-one CD1_1.img and mount back the original CCX-one CD1.img.
and continue with the setup as normal. it will ask you for the second then the third CD. you can replace them or if you are using PowerIso or so you can mount them in different drives. it works.

By the way when you start the aplication and ask you for online registration say no and never remind me again (but you know that don't you?).

4- enjoy.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-31 20:35:14编辑过]


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xiaojian | 2008-9-1 14:03:00 | 显示全部楼层


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shenjie | 2010-10-1 10:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
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