我公司有二台DCS工控机现在运行正常,C盘里面装有西门子控制软件,为了防止系统损坏想做一个备份,我用GHOST系统盘备份不能成功,当刚好进入GHOST界面时一台显示:An internal stack overflow has caused this session to be halted.1.change the STACKS setting in your CONFIG.sys file .and then try again.然后系统死机。 另外一台显示:launching GRUB...About to reset the boot drive. report buy if the machine hangs here. return from int13/AH=0. the rest of the boot drive is ok. about to enable gate A20. report bug if the machine hangs here. gate A20 IS OK.然后系统死机。用一键还原也一样,换了几个克隆盘都一样。 说明一下我是用的GHOST 11.0.2版本,是在GHOST系统盘安装界面(好像是第四排)的手动运行GHOST 11.0.2备份。请大家帮忙解决一下,谢谢了。