[replyview]对G码的解析、对刀路进行算法修正、对硬件接口的控制、在显示界面上的进行友好的图形展示。 Borland's C++ Builder 用BC++编写的带PIC-SERVO CMC运动控制器的3轴钻床控制器和G代码解释程序 PIC-SERVO CNC (PSCNC) is a complete example program for operating a 3-axis milling machine. It runs under Windows 95/98/NT/2000 and interfaces to three PIC-SERVO CMC (coordinated motion control) servo motor controllers. It includes the following features: · Digital position readout panel displays positions in program or raw machine coordinates · Controls for setting the origin of the program coordinate system · Servo disable controls allows the use of hand cranks while still displaying the position · Manual jogging controls · G-Code Display window and immediate single-line G-Code execution · Dynamic feed rate override, rapid speed override · Continuous contouring of tangent and near tangent tool path segments · Tool length compensation The G-Code interpreter only implements a basic set G-Codes and M-Codes, but should be sufficient in-depth evaluation purposes. The source [replyview] [upload=zip,pscnc.zip]viewFile.asp?ID=4856[/upload] [/replyview]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-3 22:04:47编辑过] |