函数名: atoi 功 能: 把字符串转换成长整型数 用 法: int atoi(const char *nptr); 程序例: #i nclude #i nclude
int main(void) { int n; char *str = \"12345.67\";
n = atoi(str); printf(\"string = %s integer = %d\\n\", str, n); return 0; }
函数名: atol 功 能: 把字符串转换成长整型数 用 法: long atol(const char *nptr); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude
int main(void) { long l; char *str = \"98765432\";
l = atol(lstr); printf(\"string = %s integer = %ld\\n\", str, l); return(0); }
函数名: bar 功 能: 画一个二维条形图 用 法: void far bar(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude #i nclude #i nclude
int main(void) { /* request auto detection */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; int midx, midy, i;
/* initialize graphics and local variables */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, \"\");
/* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf(\"Graphics error: %s\\n\", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf(\"Press any key to halt:\"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */ }
midx = getmaxx() / 2; midy = getmaxy() / 2;
/* loop through the fill patterns */ for (i=SOLID_FILL; i { /* set the fill style */ setfillstyle(i, getmaxcolor());
/* draw the bar */ bar(midx-50, midy-50, midx+50, midy+50);
getch(); }
/* clean up */ closegraph(); return 0; }
函数名: bar3d 功 能: 画一个三维条形图 用 法: void far bar3d(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int depth, int topflag); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude #i nclude #i nclude
int main(void) { /* request auto detection */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; int midx, midy, i;
/* initialize graphics, local variables */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, \"\");
/* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf(\"Graphics error: %s\\n\", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf(\"Press any key to halt:\"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with error code */ }
midx = getmaxx() / 2; midy = getmaxy() / 2;
/* loop through the fill patterns */ for (i=EMPTY_FILL; i { /* set the fill style */ setfillstyle(i, getmaxcolor());
/* draw the 3-d bar */ bar3d(midx-50, midy-50, midx+50, midy+50, 10, 1);
getch(); }
/* clean up */ closegraph(); return 0; }
函数名: bdos 功 能: DOS系统调用 用 法: int bdos(int dosfun, unsigned dosdx, unsigned dosal); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude
/* Get current drive as \'A\', \'B\', ... */ char current_drive(void) { char curdrive;
/* Get current disk as 0, 1, ... */ curdrive = bdos(0x19, 0, 0); return(\'A\' + curdrive); }
int main(void) { printf(\"The current drive is %c:\\n\", current_drive()); return 0; }
函数名: bdosptr 功 能: DOS系统调用 用 法: int bdosptr(int dosfun, void *argument, unsigned dosal); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude #i nclude #i nclude #i nclude #i nclude
#define BUFLEN 80
int main(void) { char buffer[BUFLEN]; int test;
printf(\"Enter full pathname of a directory\\n\"); gets(buffer);
test = bdosptr(0x3B,buffer,0); if(test) { printf(\"DOS error message: %d\\n\", errno); /* See errno.h for error listings */ exit (1); }
getcwd(buffer, BUFLEN); printf(\"The current directory is: %s\\n\", buffer);
return 0; }
函数名: bioscom 功 能: 串行I/O通信 用 法: int bioscom(int cmd, char abyte, int port); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude
#define COM1 0 #define DATA_READY 0x100 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0
#define SETTINGS ( 0x80 | 0x02 | 0x00 | 0x00)
int main(void) { int in, out, status, DONE = FALSE;
bioscom(0, SETTINGS, COM1); cprintf(\"... BIOSCOM [ESC] to exit ...\\n\"); while (!DONE) { status = bioscom(3, 0, COM1); if (status & DATA_READY) if ((out = bioscom(2, 0, COM1) & 0x7F) != 0) putch(out); if (kbhit()) { if ((in = getch()) == \'\\x1B\') DONE = TRUE; bioscom(1, in, COM1); } } return 0; }
函数名: biosdisk 功 能: 软硬盘I/O 用 法: int biosdisk(int cmd, int drive, int head, int track, int sector int nsects, void *buffer); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude
int main(void) { int result; char buffer[512];
printf(\"Testing to see if drive a: is ready\\n\"); result = biosdisk(4,0,0,0,0,1,buffer); result &= 0x02; (result) ? (printf(\"Drive A: Ready\\n\")) : (printf(\"Drive A: Not Ready\\n\"));
return 0; }
函数名: biosequip 功 能: 检查设备 用 法: int biosequip(void); 程序例:
#i nclude #i nclude
int main(void) { int result; char buffer[512];
printf(\"Testing to see if drive a: is ready\\n\"); result = biosdisk(4,0,0,0,0,1,buffer); result &= 0x02; (result) ? (printf(\"Drive A: Ready\\n\")) : (printf(\"Drive A: Not Ready\\n\"));
return 0; }